Hi, all salty dogs!

Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself. My name is Igor Shkvorets.
I received my Engineer-Oceanologist degree in 1981 from the Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute (USSR, Ukraine). For 20 years I’ve worked in the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Academy of Science of Ukraine on positions from Engineer to Head of Metrology. I conducted the development of the standards and methods for the metrology of the oceanographic measurements and took part in numerous oceanographic expeditions, providing on-ship samples salinity measurements (salinometry) and calibration of CTD-systems. In 1996 I completed the training courses in the laboratory measurement of salinity in OSIL in Petersfield, UK. In 2001 I moved to Canada and worked for 6 months for Guildline Ltd., providing manufacturing calibration of the Autosal and Portasal salinometers. Since 2002 I have been working for RBR Ltd. as an Oceanographer and Calibration Engineer. My latest development is the Micro-Salinometer MS-315. I also work on the inductive conductivity cell development and conductivity calibration process improvement, seagoing trials and quality control of the oceanographic data, measured by RBR instruments. Also, I am IOC UNESCO expert in the CTD measurements, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity and other measurements of the physical-chemical parameters of seawater. My interests are also in sailing, travel and photography.
- “Thermohaline structure of abyssal and near-bottom waters of the Black Sea”, Physical Oceanography, 1996, Vol.7, p.437-443;
- “Metrological support of salinity, temperature and pressure measurements, using CTD-systems”, Physical Oceanography, 1998, Vol.9, p.71-77;
- “Thermohaline structure and currents in the Southern part of the Scotia Sea on the march-april 1998”, Bulletin of Ukrainian Antarctic Centre, Iss. 3, 2000, p.78-86 ;
- “Metrological maintenance of CTD-measurements in 61 cruise R/V ”Ernst Krenkel”, Bulletin of Ukrainian Antarctic Centre, Iss. 3, 2000, p.119-124;
- “The structure and dynamics of the water in the region of the Argentina Island Archipelago at the beginning of the autumn season”, Abstracts of 1 UAM 2001 Meeting, Kiev, 2001;
- “The metrological confirmation system of oceanographical measurement in Antarctica”, Abstracts of 1 UAM 2001 Meeting, Kiev, 2001.
- “Salinometry: take it easy with MS-310” Proceedings of COT’03, International conference on Coastal and Ocean Technology, pp.1-6;
- “Development of a small salinometer”, OCEANS ’04. MTTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, 2004
- “A new design for a zero external field inductive conductivity cell” International Ocean Systems, Volume 10, Number 2, 2006, pp.11-14
- “Ocean Performance of the New MS-310” Sea Technology, 10, 2006, pp.15-19
- “A New Method of Salinometry” Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meeting. 2009
- “Advantages in performance of the new RBR conductivity channel with Delrin/ceramic inductive cell” Oceans’10, Seatle, WA, 2010
- “Hypoxia and turnover in a small ice-covered temperate lake”, 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012
- “Thermodynamic Salinometry” Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014, Honolulu. Hawaii, 2014
- “Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of In-situ Temperature and Salinity Data. A Guide to Quality Control and Quality Assurance for In-situ Temperature and Salinity Observations” IOOS/QARTOD Technical Report, 2016
- “Accuracy and long-term stability assessment of inductive conductivity cell measurements on Argo floats”, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 1–47, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0058.1
- “Static and dynamic performance of the RBRargo3 CTD”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39(10), Jul 2022
- Nov 2013 R/V “Atlantic Explorer”, Atlantic Ocean, Sargasso Sea, BATS. My responsibilities: RBR instruments testing, APEX-RBR float deployment.
- Jun 2013 R/V “Thomas G. Thompson”, Pacific Ocean, NEPTUNE Canada. My responsibilities: RBR instruments testing, salinity sampling, MS-315 salinometry.
- Sept 2012 R/V “Francisco de Ulloa”, Gulf of California, U of Guadalajara Internal Waves Experiment. My responsibilities: RBR instruments testing, salinity sampling, Micro-salinometer MS-315 salinometry.
- May 2009 CCGS “Hudson” Orphan Basin/Knoll Cruise (North Atlantic). My responsibilities: Salinity sampling, Micro-salinometer MS-310 salinometry, RBR CTDs testing.
- Mar 2007 EAWAG-RBR Expedition on the Lake Baikal, Russia. Participance in recovering and deployment of the mooring buoyes with RBR temperature loggers.
- Aug-Oct 2006 R/V “Strait Signet” Manitoba Hydro Expedition on Hudson Bay, Canada. My responsibilities: CTD-profiling, salinity, turbidity on-field QC, mooring buoyes deployment and recovering.
- Aug-Sept 2005 HMRS “Discovery” Cruise 298 Cape Farewell – Eric Ridge. My responsibilities: Salinity sampling, Salinometry with Autosal 8400B, Seagoing testing of the Micro-salinometer MS-310
- Nov 2004 SSV “Corwith Cramer” Gulf of Maine. My responsibilities: CTD-probe check, first at-sea Micro-Salinometer MS-310 testing.
- Jan-May 1998 R/V” Ernst Krenkel” Cruise 61 – 2-nd Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition. My responsibilities: CTD-operating, Salinity sampling, Salinometry with salinometer SOKOL.
- Jul-Aug 1992 R/V “Prof. Kolesnikov” – COMSBACK-92 cruise. My responsibilities: CTD operating, Salinity sampling, Salinometry with salinometer SOKOL.
- Sept 1991 R/V ‘Prof.Kolesnikov” – HYDROBLACK-91 cruise. My responsibilities: CTD operating, Salinity sampling, Salinometry with salinometry with salinometer GM-65.
- Oct 1987-Feb 1988 R/V “Mikhail Lomonosov” 49 cruise in the Atlantic Ocean. My responsibilities: CTD operating and calibration, Salinity sampling, Salinometry with salinometer GM-65.
- Feb-May 1986 R/V “Mikhail Lomonosov” 46 cruise in the Atlantic Ocean. My responsibilities: CTD operating and calibration, Salinity sampling, Salinometry with salinometer GM-65.