Category: Uncategorized

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150 years of Challenger Expedition

150 years ago, on 21 December 1872, HMS Challenger sailed from Portsmouth, England, on the first expedition organized and funded for a specific scientific purpose. One of the major…

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In Memoriam

“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” Terry Pratchett Thomas ‘Tim’ Dauphinee (1916-2017)    On February…

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Salinity to conductivity conversion

Salinity (PSS-78) = Temperature (ITS-90) = Sea Pressure (dbar) = Conductivity (mS/cm) =

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Meeting with Tim Dauphinee

This was a long journey in the history of my web-site, before I personally met with Tim Dauphinee – living father of the modern salinometry,…

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Development of the Practical Salinity Scale 1978

The work aimed at the development of a uniform repeatable Practical Salinity Scale, based on electrical conductivity measurement, was undertaken in 1975 at the request…

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Implementation of the electrical conductivity of seawater

A work of a chemical nature, while it had no direct reference to the sea water, was, nevertheless, important to an understanding of the chemistry…

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Introduction of the International Standard Seawater

Studies of ocean circulation, which were carried out later in 19th century, involved investigation the distribution of salinity. Attempts were made to measure salt content…

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Early Determination of Salinity: from Ancient Concepts to Challenger Results

    The saltiness of seawater has been recognized throughout recorded history.  Theories about origin of the seawater and nature of saltness of the sea…

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The Return of the Salinometry

For the last 5 years I’ve been owning and editing the web-site, which  recently was  attacked by hackers.  It is happened time to time and I’ve recovered…

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